Winter Work-Stays at Mendocino Magic

November 01, 2016

Want to get away this winter? Itching to hike around in the mud with us and enjoy those crisp blustery days? Maybe you know someone who needs a break from the concrete jungle and would benefit from 1 to 2 weeks' stay this Winter?

We're seeking guests to help us out this winter. Come stay with us either by camping, or in the Stage House. Pick a project to work on, help us get it done, feel good about working in the outdoors, and return with a new perspective on life after your time in the great outdoors (with luxuries like a hot meal in a heated house with us at night).

Mendocino Magic is a campground with long term goals of becoming self-sustaining, operating a year-round permaculture setup with full vegetable garden to support feeding people who live here year round.  For now, we are still building the garden and have not started seeding because without a secure place for our vegetables, rabbits, deer etc get into it.

If you are interested in coming to help out , here's what we are doing on a daily basis:
  > Weedwacking
  > Clipping Blackberry bushes
  > Cutting down and collecting dead limbs from trees to minimize wildfire fuel
  > Splitting and stacking logs for winter burns
  > Building garden boxes for raised beds
  > Designing and installing a drip irrigation line
  > Reinforcing the trenches on the roads (Shovel), installing a gutter system with Mackenzie
  > Post Hole Digging for fences (easier when the ground is softer)
  > Pulling T-Stakes from soft ground for reuse and restrengthening of fences
  > Burn Monitoring


Mackenzie O'Donnell